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Looking to Learn or Try Lacrosse??

We are the Recreational Lacrosse League HERE in the Lake Norman, Mooresville Area. Our goal is to grow the sport of Lacrosse!! We are the organization that builds the foundation and love of Lacrosse! 

We believe in trying all sports, activities and hobbies!

We also believe in playing for whatever club team you feel is a good fit for your child and your family dynamic. 

Our mission is introducing it, cultivating it and nurturing it. 

For More information on learning about lacrosse please email us!


to the official website of the

Running Rebels Lacrosse Club!


We are a lacrosse club located in Mooresville, Nc.

Our mission: To build a strong foundation in lacrosse and life for each of our athletes. Growing the game north of Charlotte and in the Iredell Area!

A Letter from Coach Brugger on why True?

Hi Everyone,
Lacrosse has been a love and passion of mine since long before I can remember. I'm not
here to speak about all my coaching or playing lacrosse accolades. I'm here to say the
foundation of the game has not changed.  The Learn to Play program, Running Rebels
Spring rec teams and Lake Norman HS Men's Lacrosse programs focus on building that
foundation. They are programs I believe in; and where I have and WILL continue to spend
a great deal of time. My focus on these 3 programs will never waiver, for they are the
foundation of our culture. 
The Elite Travel Lacrosse landscape has greatly changed, and in order to give the players I
coach opportunities they now need and deserve, my decision to become a Director for True
704 was an easy one. I found the values of this program aligned with mine. True offers all
players the opportunities to play at higher levels, compete on regional and national teams,
to get exposure at the most prestigious tournaments, while not only supporting the pieces of
the foundation I am a part of but respecting them as well. True 704 holds the same values I
want in an organization of this caliber. With the growth in lacrosse that I have seen
and been a part of in North Carolina, I am excited to see where our future True 704 players
will go! I am excited to work with great and supportive ownership, an excellent and
experienced coaching staff, but I am even more excited to see the growth of our future True
704 players. 2024 is going to be great for TRUE 704! 
Thank you for all of your continued support! Please feel free to contact me directly with
and questions and/or concerns. Have a Great Day!
All My Best,
Coach James Brugger

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Testimony From Arlene Green

Testimony From Joan Pavao

Contact Us Running Rebels LC

Contact Us Running Rebels LC